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Saraha in the News

Register Guard Video Article on Saraha Children's School

In addition to its "Budding Buddhists" print article on Sept. 14, 2014, The Eugene Register Guard newspaper created a short but lovely video documentary of Saraha Children's School, which it published on its website and released separately via Youtube. To watch this video online, click HERE...

Register Guard Newspaper Article on Saraha Children's School

The Eugene Register Guard newspaper published a beautiful front-page story on Saraha Children's School "Budding Buddhists" in the Sunday edition of its paper, Sept. 14, 2014.  Click HERE to read this article online.

Northwest Dharma News Article on Saraha Children's School

The Northwest Dharma News published an article on the the background and creation of Saraha Children's School in its Fall 2014 issue. Click HERE to read this article online.

Eugene Magazine Article on Saraha Children's School

In its Fall 2014 Issue, Eugene Magazine published an article "School Daze" (page 59) which featured photos and a description of the newly-opening Saraha Children's School. You can find this article in the print edition of Eugene Magazine.

Northwest Dharma News Article on Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour to Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Temple

The Northwest Dharma News published an article on the visit of the Maitreya Heart Shrine Relic Tour to Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Temple in Eugene, Oregon in its Fall, 2013 issue. Click HERE to read this article online.

Eugene Weekly Article on Animal Blessings During Relic Tour Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Temple

The Eugene Weekly Newspaper published an article on animal blessings during the Maitreya Heart Shrine Relics Exhibit at Saraha Temple from July 26-28, 2013. Click HERE to read this article online.

Northwest Dharma News Article on Inaugural Event Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Temple

The Northwest Dharma News published an article on the founding of the inaugural events at the new Saraha Nyingma Buddhist Temple in Eugene, Oregon in its Fall, 2012 issue. Click HERE to read this article online.

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